Benefit from Technology
Sharing of Innovation

The First Session of EU-China Intellectual Property Innovation Cooperation Webin
2020-05-15 10:13:12


Theme: Post Epidemic Era --- Intellectual Property Protection for Cross-border Commerce and Trade

The outbreak of the pandemic COVID-19 has had and is continuing to have serious impact on the original trade order of globalization. The world maybe face a new era of anti-globalization and the prevalence of protectionism after the pandemic. Therefore, the EUCJIC is organizing webinars and practical IP training courses to thoroughly analyze the IP development direction and various issues affecting cross-border commerce in the post-epidemic era. In the first webinar, we are happy to have invited IP experts from EUCJIC, Business College of Beijing Union University, Xiaomi, Alibaba and Jacobio Pharmaceuticals to present their views and share their experience and advice.

Status: Finished

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