On March 30th and 31st, 2017, together with Hungarian technologically advanced enterprises and research institutions in soil remediation, biomass, bio-remediation, energy plant and others, the delegation headed by Mr. Peter Huang from EUCJIC attended Hungarian-Chinese Agro-Technology Workshop held by the Embassy of Hungary in Beijing. After the discussion with Dr. Gyozo Jordan from Institute for Environmental Science of Szent Istvan University, Mr. Sándor Pákozdi from Arundo Celluloz Farming Ltd and Ms. Ágnes Kárteszi, first secretary for agriculture and environment at Embassy of Hungary in Beijing, consensus has been reached on Sino-Hungarian joint innovation cooperation and introduction of Hungarian advanced agricultural and environmental protection technologies.
Ms. Ágnes Kárteszi, Mr. Sándor Pákozdi (Middle) and Mr. Gyozo Jordan (second from right)